Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Running Report 9/8/15 to 9/12/15

9/8/15 TUESDAY
Ran 8 miles on the treadmill.  Finished at an average of 8 minutes per mile.

Week 16 miles
Month 62 miles
Year 814 miles

Ran six miles in the morning.  Started at 8.00 min pace.  Every quarter of a mile I would increase the pace by one notch.  I continued this all the way through 3.5 miles.  At 2.75  miles I also increased the incline .5% every quarter of a mile until 3.50 mile mark.  At that time it was at 2% incline.  At 3.50 miles the pace was at 6.44 or something like that.  After that I brought the incline and the pace down one notch each every quarter mile.  I never let the incline go below .5%.  Finished the six mile in 44.09 which is around a 7.21 pace.  In the afternoon I ran six miles out on the road.  I used the mile markers as a distance measure.  At least one of the markers was off by about 40 seconds.
  1. 7.34
  2. 7.22
  3. 7.46
  4. 8.40
  5. 8.01
  6. 8.03
Total time of 47.29 average of 7.55 per mile.  Total of 12 miles for the day.   The six miles out on the road was pretty hard because it was hot and the miles already are starting to pile up for the week.

Week 28 miles
Month 74 miles
Year 826 miles

9/10/15 THURSDAY
Ran 8 miles in the morning on the treadmill at 7.45 pace.  Ran 6 miles in the afternoon on the treadmill at 8 min. pace.  Total of 14 miles for day.

Week 42 miles
Month 88 miles
Year 840 miles

9/11/15 FRIDAY
Ran ten miles on the road this morning.
  1. 3.39
  2. 3.27
  3. 3.31
  4. 3.37
  5. 3.34
  6. 3.37
  7. 3.35
  8. 3.39
  9. 3.37
  10. 3.41
  11. 3.35
  12. 3.42
  13. 3.38
  14. 3.34
  15. 3.38
  16. 3.38
  17. 3.37
  18. 3.41
  19. 3.38
  20. 3.25
Overall time 1 hour 12 minutes and 15 seconds.  Average of 7.13 per mile.  I totally hit the wall at mile 5.  I just repeated to myself over and over, "fight through it" and "don't slow down until the next half mile marker.  Then at the next marker I would think "ok, I can push it to the next half mile."  I really didn't know if I could make it.  In fact I doubted that I could but I didn't want to slow down until the next marker.  With two miles left the mental trick became, "I have not come this far and suffered this much to lose it all now.  Then with a mile and a half to go, "make it through these next two half miles and then just a half mile left and then it will be over."  With one mile to go I had an infusion of energy because I realized I was about four seconds ahead of pace.

Week 52 miles
Month 98 miles
Year 850 miles

9/12/15 SATURDAY
I ran 21 miles on the treadmill at night.  Excuse the crassness but I call this the diarrhea run.  I normally don't do this but this is what it was.  I went to the bathroom I think 4 times.  At 4.5 miles I stopped to go the the bathroom and change the channel on the TV to the BYU vs. Boise St. game.  Then again at 1.5 miles, again at 2 miles, then again at another 6.5 miles or something along those lines.  That was super lame because every time I would go to the bathroom the treadmill would stop, thus I have no idea of my overall time at all.  It was demoralizing because I had no desire to push the pace.  This is my last 20 miler as well so it was frustrating.  I should have just done my run at 2:30 a.m. this morning when I woke up anyway. 

Week 73 miles
Month 119 miles
Year 871 miles

Running report 8/31/15 to 9/7/15

8/31/15 MONDAY
Ran 6 miles this morning on the treadmill.  Starting at 8 min/mile and increasing on click every quarter mile until about 4 miles.  The last four quarter miles I increased the incline by one notch.  At 4 miles I started decreasing the pace and the incline every quarter of a mile.  Finished 6 miles in 43.30 about 7.15 pace.

Week 6 miles
Month 125 miles
Year 752 miles

9/1/15 TUESDAY
Ran 5 miles this morning. 
  1. 4.13
  2. 3.54
  3. 3.41
  4. 3.40
  5. 3.46
  6. 3.52
  7. 3.40
  8. 3.47
  9. 3.55
  10. 3.57
Total time 38.29 about a 7.41 average.
Ran 5 miles in the afternoon.
  1. 3.59
  2. 3.56
  3. 3.56
  4. 3.57
  5. 3.52
  6. 4.10
  7. 3.56
  8. 3.54
  9. 4.08
  10. 4.05
Total time of 39.58 average of 8 minutes per mile.

Day 10 miles
Week 16 miles
Month 10 miles
Year 762 miles

Ran 5 miles in the morning on the treadmill.  These were the approximate minutes per mile pace ran at:  0-1 miles 6.58, 1-1.5 miles 6.54, 1.5-2.0 miles 6.50, 2.0-2.5 miles 6.44, 2.5-3.0 miles 6.40, 3.0-3.5 miles 6.36, 3.5-4.0 miles 6.30, 4.0-4.35 miles 6.15, 4.35-4.5 miles 6.30, 4.5-5.0 miles 6.00.  Total time 33.30 average of about 6.42 per mile.  That last half mile at 6.00 pace was a killer!  The last quarter mile was all anaerobic, will power, mind over matter, race pain, the dark room, etc.  As always the incline on the treadmill was set at .5%.

At night I ran five miles.
  1. 4.29
  2. 4.25
  3. 4.19
  4. 4.37
  5. 4.32
  6. 4.39
  7. 4.31
  8. 4.27
  9. 4.40
  10. 4.33 
Total time of 45.18 average of 9.04 per mile.

Day 10 miles
Week 26 miles
Month 20 miles
Year 772 miles

Ran 5 miles in the morning.
  1. 4.02
  2. 3.49
  3. 3.49
  4. 3.47
  5. 3.46
  6. 3.52
  7. 3.42
  8. 3.50
  9. 3.49
  10. 3.59
Total time of 38.29 average of 7.42 per mile.
Ran three miles at night.
  1. 4.42
  2. 4.48
  3. 4.46
  4. 4.56
  5. 4.54
  6. 5.17
Total time of 29.25 average of 9.48 per mile.  Super slow.

Day 8 miles
Week 34 miles
Month 28 miles
Year 780 miles

9/4/15 FRIDAY
Ran 6 miles on the treadmill, finished at about 7.30 pace.

Week 40 miles
Month 34  miles
Year 786 miles

Ran 12 miles.
  1. 4.21
  2. 4.02
  3. 4.00
  4. 4.02
  5. 4.02
  6. 4.10
  7. 4.26
  8. 4.24
  9. 4.04
  10. 4.00
  11. 3.57
  12. 3.57
  13. 3.48
  14. 3.57
  15. 3.49
  16. 3.51
  17. 3.48
  18. 3.44
  19. 3.33
  20. 3.36
  21. 3.29
  22. 3.38
  23. 3.35
  24. 3.30
Overall time 1 hour 33 minutes and 55 seconds.  Average of 7.50 minutes per mile.  Definite negative split.  Miles 7-9 I tried to to run at 7.45 pace and miles 10-12 I tried to run at 7.15 pace.  this was at the end of a high mileage week.  Next week hopefully will be even more mileage.

Week 52 miles
Month 46 miles
Year 798 miles

9/7/15 MONDAY
Yasso 800's today.  Run 800 meters at a certain time then run 400 meters at the same time and repeat.  I did a total of 10.  The first 800 was slow at 3.20.  Repeats 2-9 were at 3.10 or 2 seconds under that and then the last repeat I did in 2.58.  45 seconds after finishing my heart rate was at 120 beats per minute.  I was surprised it was so slow.  While each repeat was challenging, I did not have to open the door to the "dark room" all the way except on the last one.  So maybe 10 repeats at 3.05 is within reach but I don't think 10 at 3.00 is a possibility right at this moment.  That being said, I think before I took my 2 week break , I did 6 repeats at 3.00 so maybe it is possible. 

Week 8 miles
Month 54 miles
Year 806 miles