5/8/15 FRIDAY
Ran three miles. Half were into a stiff head wind and the other half I had a nice push in the back by the wind. Hence the half miles marks that varied widely.
- 3.26
- 3.29
- 3.38
- 3.42
- 3.18
- 3.13
Total time 20.47 average of 6.56 minutes per mile.
Week 20 miles
Month 32 miles
Year 297 miles
Ran eleven miles.
- 4.36
- 4.09
- 4.06
- 4.08
- 4.12
- 4.13
- 4.16
- 4.10
- 4.17
- 4.00
- 4.05
- 4.16
- 4.05
- 4.13
- 4.08
- 4.19
- 4.04
- 4.18
- 4.10
- 4.07
- 4.20
- 4.28
Total time 1 hour 32 minutes 53 seconds average of about 8.27 per mile.
Week 31 miles
Month 43 miles
Year 308 miles
5/11/15 MONDAY
For my workout today I have coined the name of the workout. "Yasso Doble". That is right you heard it here first. Instead of Yasso 800's it is the Yasso Doble (as opposed to the paso doble). In the past couple of weeks I have run 800 meters, or half a mile in 3.15 and then jogged approximately 400 meters in 3.15. Well my workout today the goal was to run a mile in 6.30 (double in both time and distance) and then jog half a mile in 6.30. I did three repeats of this.
Mile 1 -- 6.45 and then half mile jog in 6.15
Mile 2 -- 6.34 and then half mile jog in 6.26
Mile 3 -- 6.25 or so and then a cool down jog.
For simplicity sake I will not count the cool down as part of my mileage because I don't like tacking in the ".5" on there. Last week I did 6 Yasso 800's at 3.15 minutes and seconds. Today I was able to do two half miles at 3.15 back to back. So this gives me confidence that in the coming weeks I can go faster on my Yasso 800's. in the third week or so of June I am scheduled to do 4 Yasso 800's at 3.00. So this is helping me get closer to accomplishing that. I feel an urgency in my training right now to get in shape for the first week of training that starts on June 1. It's kind of like I have a race on June first. That first week of June I am scheduled to run 5 miles at race pace. That means run five miles at 7.00 minute pace. I know that I can do 3 miles at 7 minute pace because I have done that the last three, weeks. Maybe to help get closer to that 5 miles at 7 min pace I can do 4 miles at 7 min. pace for two or three weeks in a row.
Week 3 miles
Month 46 miles
Year 311 miles
5/12/15 TUESDAY
Ran three miles as a recovery jog today.
- 4.29
- 4.21
- 4.27
- 4.22
- 4.20
- 4.21
Total of 26.24 average of 8.48 minutes per mile. A little bit slower than normal for a recovery jog but that is ok.
Week 6 miles
Month 49 miles
Year 314 miles
Ran a total of five miles on the treadmill. This workout was focused more on intervals, slow-fast although more accurately for today it would be easy-hard. On the hard parts I would put the incline up high so I was doing hillwork. I alternated every quarter mile.
Week 11 miles
Month 54 miles
Year 319 miles