Saturday, August 22, 2015

Running report 8/17 through 8/22

8/17/15 MONDAY
Ran three miles in the morning.
  1. 3.38
  2. 3.39
  3. 3.41
  4. 3.47
  5. 3.43
  6. 3.40 
Total time of 22.10 average of 7.23 per mile.

Week 3 miles
Month 22 miles
Year 649 miles

8/18/15 TUESDAY
Yasso 800 day.  Did 4 Yasso 800's in the morning.  Each 800 was at 3.10 and then a slow jog of 3.10.  About two hours later I did some more Yasso 800's on a treadmill.  I did 4 of those at 3.00 with a 3.00 minute slow jog in between.  Last I did one continuous mile in six minutes.  Total of 6 miles including slow jogging in between reps.  

Week 9 miles
Month 28 miles
Year 655 miles

Ran four miles in the morning and four miles in the afternoon
Morning run:
  1. 4.35
  2. 4.09
  3. 4.02
  4. 3.53
  5. 3.55
  6. 3.57
  7. 3.57
  8. 3.56
Total time of 32.28 average of 8.07 per mile.  Afternoon times I didn't get all the splits.  Total time 36.00 minutes.  Average of 9 minutes per mile. 

Week 17 miles
Month 36 miles
Year 663 miles

8/20/15 THURSDAY
Ran six miles on the treadmill.  Finished in 41.06 which is an average of 6.54 pace.

Week 23 miles
Month 42 miles
Year 669 miles

8/21/15 FRIDAY
Ran 5 miles on the treadmill as a recovery jog.  Finished in 39.15 which is about 7.51 pace.

Week 28 miles
Month 47 miles
Year 674 miles

8/22/15 SATURDAY
Ran a total of 21 miles in three different segments throughout the morning.  First segment I ran 14 miles in 2 hours and 11 minutes which works out to be close to a 9 minutes and 21 second pace.  After an hour of rest I ran a 5K race in which I finished second overall.  My first lap time was 10.52 and my second lap was 10.05 for a total of 20.57.  Then after about and hour of standing around I ran 4 miles in 37.39 which is about a 9.25 second pace. 

Week 49 miles
Month 68 miles
Year 695 miles

Thoughts: I think this has been my highest mileage week so far and that coming back from some time off so I hope I haven't bitten off to much for my body to handle.  Goals for next week would be to do more total miles, and get my long run time down into the 8 minute range.  I would like to do my recovery jogs at 7.45 pace

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